Why Chestnuts?

“As long as we have chestnuts, we’ll have bread.” - Pasquale di Paoli (18th-century Corsican revolutionary)

For thousands of years, chestnuts have played a key role in wise human cultures all over the world. Today, chestnuts are a $5B+ global industry, and — due to the loss of the American Chestnut — the temperate U.S. is the only suitable region in the world without a chestnut industry. We see chestnuts as a keystone crop that can support the growth of regenerative agriculture at a watershed scale in the Northeast.

Chestnuts are a staple carbohydrate — similar to foods like sweet potato, rice, wheat, and corn, which form the basis for many of our diets. For this reason, cultures around the world have called chestnuts the “bread tree”. Chestnuts can be eaten fresh, dried, or used to make nutritious, gluten-free foods like flour, polenta, and pasta. Hybrid chestnut trees begin to yield as early as 3-5 years after planting, and continue to bear every year for centuries.

because chestnuts grow staple food on trees, they can:

Silvopasture — the intentional integration of trees, pasture, and livestock — was ranked by Project Drawdown as one of the most impactful climate change solutions in the world, ahead of electric vehicles, improved building insulation, and geothermal electricity.

Chestnut trees produce staple calories annually for centuries. There are chestnut orchards that are over 700 years old!

"Again I stood on a crest and scanned a hilly landscape. Across the valley I saw a mountainside clothed in chestnut trees. These orchards produced an annual crop of food for people, horses, cows, pigs, sheep, and goats, and a by-crop of wood. Thus for centuries trees had supported the families that lived here. The mountainside was uneroded, intact, and capable of continuing indefinitely its support for generations of people." — J. Russell Smith (20th-century economic geographer)